IStart.exe for Windows Oddera Internet Starter, an applications launcher. When you connect to Internet you must launch many applications, this is annoying, since when one is starting, you cannot use Start menu, because the starting application close it. With Oddera Internet Starter you can make shortcut for more applications, example: Netscape+Eudora+Agent+WinFtp+Tardis+WinPhone+CuCmee+IPhone+PowWow+Talk or wathever you want. Oddera Internet Starter support Drag & Drop, so you can simply drag your preferred applications over IStart to make your preferred group. You can save various group. Warning: NEVER use Shortcut, instead use real programs, *.EXE files (like Explorer.EXE), or registered documents (like Mytext.TXT). Applications can start in normal or iconized window, however some applications (like Netscape) have an inconsistent code causing this feature don't work, because these applications restore the last position, ignoring the Iconize message. Oddera Internet Starter support AutoRun, so you can simply click a group to launch every applications in it. You can start an application, with any parameters you like. You can specify a start folder different for any application. Examples: If you have Eudora in C:\Eudora and your Mail data in C:\Document\John\Mail Since Eudora don't support start folder, you must indicate it like a parameter, so: Program: C:\Eudora\Eudora.EXE C:\Document\John\Mail\ Start from folder: C:\Eudora\ ******************************************** If you have Agent in C:\Agent and your news in C:\Document\John\News Since Agent support start folder, and not support parameter for it, so: Program: C:\Agent\Agent.EXE Start from folder: C:\Document\John\News